Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Status is a funny thing, even the most learned man will be taken aback. Recently I've heard lots of people saying "you are who you are" and "don't let the outlook influence your perception". All these are nonsensical. If a person is perceived as poor due to certain criterias the society has set, there will be a common 2 reactions. The "positive" condescending approach and the negative "you're not worth my attention". The former is the lesser of the 2 evils but nevertheless, they are the same kind of crap. Of course there's 1 more group of people who are genuine to you, who sees you as who you are. But, let's be frank, can anybody really say that at some point of time or the other, you do not perceive people from the things, position and clothing they have? If you really are saing "you are who you are" that is important, why bother buying a condominium instead of an apartment? Why bother going to work for an MNC rather than SME? Why bother buying branded stuff when there are so many cheap stuff available? Why bother going for fine dining instead of hawker stalls? Why bother impressing your bosses rather than being yourself? Because everybody does it or at least I think everybody does it. Interviewers do it, bosses do it, even family members do it, church members do it, friends do it, your neighbours do it, people on the streets do it and criminals do it.

But I've notice something, children do not care. They see you as you are. They accept things as they are. So unless we have the innocence of a child, we are all guilty to have this "system" built-in by the very society we're involved. That's why Jesus likes children because of their innocence. There's a saying in the Bible, "We (Christians) are like lambs among the wolves in the world". If we're as innocent as children, we'll definitely be eaten up quickly by the wolves of the society. But do not fear for God will be our protector and provider IF we're as innocent as a child or should I say having a child-like faith.

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